Survey Progress:
Reach NC Voices is powering a survey for the myFutureNC Commission, and we want to hear from you! The myFutureNC Commission—comprised of state leaders in education, business, philanthropy, government, and faith-based and nonprofit communities—is reimagining the ways our communities, our regions, and our state support an individual’s education journey, from pre-Kindergarten through postsecondary and into the workforce.
We will be with them as they travel across the state this spring and summer to get input and ideas from all of you: educators, parents, students, service providers, faith leaders, business and government representatives, and other community members. We'd love for you to take the following survey to add your thoughts and ideas about strengthening educational and economic opportunities in your community. Please also consider joining us at one of our upcoming Listening Tour events; you can RSVP at the end of this survey.
The questions marked with a red border are required.
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