Organizing and Uniting to Re-Power (O.U.R.) Asheville is a community engagement leadership academy that offers practical, hands-on training in an interactive workshop setting that addresses the areas of: community connectedness, community research, community development and mental health, and community mobilization.

Academy participants will benefit from the peer-to-peer learning opportunities, networking connections, pooling of different community resources and the alignment of different synergies. Additionally, participants will earn a stipend of $500. 

Graduates ("O.U.R. Asheville Community Connectors") will receive a certificate of completion and will be ready to assist with organizing events in their communities and/or leading community discussions related to other City projects and initiatives. 


We're excited to kick-off Cohort 2 on June 1st at the Stephens-Lee Community Center!


UPDATE: A SPECIAL THANK YOU to the participants of Cohort 1 who have successfully completed all sessions.

Photo by: Noel Argueta Photography 






Frequently Asked Questions

Approximately 3 hours for 7 consecutive weeks. The time commitment includes up to 90 minutes for a weekly virtual session and up to 1 hour of Community Work (assignments that require application of lessons learned during sessions in the Asheville community).

Every time you complete an academy assignment, every time you show up and contribute to a session, you will be earning towards that $500 stipend! Participates will receive half their earnings at the mid-way point and the remainder during a culminating, celebratory graduation event.

Participants will receive practical, hands-on training in an interactive setting led by certified workshop facilitators.

Participants will work together to workshop an agreed upon community development project/initiative and walk through the steps of community engagement and mobilization.

Participants will lead the City forward by conducting community research, interpreting the data, and designing a plan for mobilization.

Upon graduation, these Community Connectors will be added to a pool of consultants the City will call upon to assist with community engagement on upcoming projects.